Dabur Siddha Makardhwaj

Dabur Siddha Makardhwaj Special Tablet

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Indication: It is used to improve strength of heart., It is used in anti ageing and aphrodisiac treatment., It helps to relieve fever, dyspepsia., It helps to improve immunity.
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Dabur Siddha Makardhwaj

Siddha Makardhwaj  is an ayurvedic mineral-based preparation used for its aphrodisiac characteristics. It beefs up the body and it is beneficial in almost all types of diseases.  It also enhances effectiveness of other medicines. It is seldom recommended alone. In different diseases, it is given along with different adjuvants.


This is a Rejuvenator. It relieves Comlicated fever, Poor appetite,Loss of taste, Stomachache due to indigestion, Back ache, Chest pain, Cough, Btreathlessness, Tuberculosis, Skin diseases, Throat problems, Peritonitis, Chrnoic diarrhoea, Elephintiais, Fistulae, Piles, Sinus, Ercetile Dysfunction.It improves Digestion, Energy,Intelligence,longevity, comlexion and reproductive fluids.Stmultaes sexual desire.Arrests premature hair greying and pre mature hair fall.


1/8 to 1 tablet in the morning and evening or as directed by the Physician.


Light and easily digestable food.


10 Tabs.
