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Baidyanath Ashwagandhadi Churna, 100 GM

Baidyanath Ashwagandhadi Churna, 100 GM

₹140.00 Save 20%
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Baidyanath ASHWAGANDHADI CHURNA, 100 GM is useful For Impotency, Old Age Debility, Weak Memory, Depression, Increase Immunity Etc.

Immunity Booster- Vitality and Stamina

Baidyanath Ashwagandhadi Churna is an ayurvedic herbal medicine prepared with old traditional methods which is widely used to build immunity, vitality and stamina. It restores energy level, enhances stamina, relieves stress and improves physical endurance.

It is a composition of 1 part of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) and 1 part of Vidhara (Argyreia speciosa).

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About Ashwagandha Churna

Ashwagandha is a natural herb that is known for its multiple benefits.Ashwagandha churna is made up of natural ayurvedic herbs that help to improve memory. Ashwagandha is a traditional herb that has been used as a stress reliever.Ashwagandha churna consist of natural herb ashwagandha which is known as Indian winter cherry and helps in the treatment of body weakness.Ashwagandha churna is a natural tonic for overall improvement of the health. Ashwagandha is known as Indian ginseng and it is known to provide energy and strength to all body parts.Ashwagandha is a Sanskrit term that literally means horse’s vitality i.e.it vitalizes living body to give strength as that of the horse.

Ingredients of Ashwagandha Churna

Pure form of ashwagandha churna gathered from the Himalaya Mountains. The ashwagandha plats are supposed to be grown in an organic environment that is not interfered by chemicals and other pollutants.

Indications of Ashwagandha churna

  • Generalized weakness
  • low sexual drive
  • High blood pressure or hypertension
  • Internal as well as external stress
  • Low immune system
  • Body pains
  • Low energy
  • Vata problem

Benefits of Ashwagandha churna

  • It has many significant benefits but best known for its powerful adaptogenic properties. It means that it helps mind & body adapt better to stress.
  • It is good for people who do physical labor / exercise a lot, so that the body could adapt to physical stress.
  • It nourishes your nerves and improves nerve function to help you maintain calm during stressful situation.
  • It nourishes all your bodily tissues, including the joints & nerves.
  • It is very powerful rasayana which means that it acts as an overall tonic for greater vitality & longevity.
  • It is also very powerful medhya rasayana which means that it enhances all three aspects of mind power comprehension, memory and Smriti.
  • It nourishes the crucial mind - body connection & psychoneuro immune response.
  • It balances the Prana Vata. This is essential for happiness in the face of mental, emotional stress.
  • It helps you coordinating the mind & senses as well, which is very essential for quality sleep.
  • Ashwagandha increases the quality & quantity of Vigor (ojas) who is the master coordinator between body & consciousness. It helps pure consciousness slide into the physiology.
  • Ashwagandha enhances virility & has aphrodisiac properties, especially for men.
  • Ashwagandha has a Sothara effect, which means it helps clear impurities (Ama) from the various channels of the human body.
  • Ashwagandha is considered among the best of all substances for balancing Vata. Ashwagandha also pacifies Kapha at the same time, which is a very rare combination.
  • Ashwagandha is well known for its powerful immune enhancing benefits.

Dosage of Ashwagandha churna

3 grams, once or twice a day before or after food or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor.

Side Effects of Ashwagandha churna

  • Self medication with this medicine is strictly not recommended. Take this only under strict medical supervision.
  • Take this medicine in precise dose and for limited period of time, as advised by doctor.
  • Diabetic, hypertensive patients, cardiac patients, obese people, pregnant ladies, lactating mothers and children should take this medicine strictly under medical supervision.
  • Over-dosage may cause gastritis
  • Keep out of reach and sight of children. Store in a dry cool place.

Terms and Conditions

We have assumed that you have consulted a physician before purchasing this medicine and are not self medicating.


Specific References